5 Digital Marketing Lessons Taught by the Pandemic

There are some businesses which have done better than others during this pandemic

There are some businesses which have done better than others during this pandemic and one industry which has really thrived has been that of digital marketing. With this being said, the industry has still had to adapt to testing conditions in order to reach that success. At the heart of this has been the ability of digital marketing agencies to learn lessons from what has happened, and to take steps to put that learning into practice.

Owing to the pandemic, these are the key lessons which digital marketing companies have had to learn.

Speed of Switching Focus

Those who have done well during the last 7 months, both inside and outside of digital marketing have been those who have swiftly reacted. With regards to digital marketing, this was evident given those companies with doubling down on retail and which switched their marketing tone from brand growth to instant buy. Ad dollars had to provide ROI at speed this year, and those who switched quickly were the ones who were able to do it.

Switch the Pitch

As many digital marketing firms scrambled for new clients who were still investing in ads, the style of the pitch had to change. Pitches are already something which forces creativity, but this was on another level. Ad agencies had to learn exactly what good looked like with a digital pitch, using everything that they had at their disposal.

The Necessity of Digital Marketing

If ever there was a lesson as to the importance of having an online presence for offline businesses then it has been the last 7 months. Those who did not have a presence online will have been hit hard from the pandemic and we have seen firsthand how many local businesses are trying to get things going on WhatsApp and other social media channels. For some it was too little, too late, those who’ve survived, however, they have recognised just how important it has been to have a digital presence.

Picking The Right Tone

The tone is always important with advertising but never as important as it has been this year. Regardless of what our opinions have been on the lockdown, the reality is that the pandemic cost lives, and that is something which meant ads couldn’t use the pandemic as a fun theme to bring customers in. This year has been about empathy and finding a balance between recognising the situation, whilst also trying to market our businesses and products.

Marketing to The Loyal

Many companies all around the world can be accused of ignoring their existing client base in their search for new customers. This year however has taught us just how important those loyal customers really are, as they have kept many companies afloat. With regards to digital marketing, it is clear that our loyal customers need to be in the loop when we come up with targeted ad campaigns.

To say that online marketing companies have done well is a slight overstatement, we have to remember that many of their clients may have pulled out a lot of ad dollars to deal with this situation. One thing we can say, however, is that the industry has fared better than most, yet they have had to learn quickly from these lessons.

Last updated

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