The Four Frequently Asked Questions about Sak Yant Tattoos

Sak Yant, also known as Yantra tattooing

Sak Yant, also known as Yantra tattooing, has lately gained extensive recognition all across the globe. It features sacred animal, deity, and geometrical designs complemented by Pali phrases that provide protection, strength, charisma, fortune, and multiple other benefits to the wearer. The following write-up specifies answers to questions that people frequently ask about Sak Yant tattoos. Please check them out now.

1. Are Sak Yant Tattoos Painful?

Sak Yant tattooing is painful. It after all involves piercing the skin repeatedly with something sharp. Now the real question is whether it hurts more than the normal tattoos or not. Everything depends on your tolerance level and the body part you choose.

About 35% of people admitted Sak Yant to be less painful than machine tattoos while 15% said the pain was unbearable. Sak Yant tattoos hurt more when they are closer to the bone or on areas like wrist, shin, spine, and rib cage. People with enough muscle mass and negligible fat feels the sensations much more.

2. Does a Monk Select the Sak Yant?

The professionals keeping Phuket tattoo prices low said the purpose of Sak Yant is to present one with a special kind of blessing. The monk or Sak Yant master, however, does not impose their insights. They discuss the options available and ask the people to select from them.

If you have no idea what the designs represent, it is better to seek third party assistance. For a westerner who is not acquainted with Thai language and has zero knowledge regarding Asian metaphysical theories, asking a Monk seems viable.

3. Can I Select My Own Design?

Yes you can select your own design. Most of the masters do not speak English, so, you must speak Thai or have someone who can discuss which of the following three elements to incorporate.

· The first is the motif or the design of course. Its meaning can be implicit or altered to include the other two elements.

· The Kata can be defined as magical spells or special prayers that fulfill the intention of the design. The Kata you find online usually has the wrong text and are highly unreliable.

· The final blessing is meted out by the Monk, which can be adventurous spirit, financial prosperity, or spiritual experience.

4. What does the Aftercare Look Like?

Sak Yant tattoos are like an open wound which if not cared for can become infectious. You have to be immensely cautious as your immune system might not be that strong in a foreign country. Clean the concerned area with lukewarm water, and apply an antiseptic cream all the time. Avoid sunlight for a week at least since the ultraviolet rays can break the ink down. Never pick the scabs as doing so slows down the healing.

The people planning on getting a tattoo in Thailand must opt for the Sak Yant style without hesitation. It is also practiced in Myanmar and to some extent in Cambodia and Laos. Even though traditionally performed with a sharp metal rod called khem sak, at present due to safety concerns, the practitioners have adopted modern techniques that involve needles of varying thicknesses.

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